Troy Stetina (* 1963)

Total Picking Control – Expanded Speed Mechanics

The Complete Course for Building, Refining, and Mastering Rock Guitar Technique

T. Stetina: Total Picking Control - Expanded Speed Me, E-Git (0)
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Učebnice (s notami a taby), mediální obsah online
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Autor / skladatel:
288 stran(y); 22,9 × 30,4 cm
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Total Picking Control is a comprehensive guide tailored for intermediate to advanced guitar players who aim for complete mastery over their instrument. This exceptional course encompasses 60 sequential lessons, each accompanied by a full song study, and is the brainchild of Troy Stetina, a renowned musician and educator known for his expert techniques and deep understanding of guitar mechanics. The course boasts 17 hours of video performance and instruction, as well as 60 full-band audio play-along backing tracks, offering an exceptionally comprehensive learning experience.

Features 60 lessons divided into six sections. Each lesson includes:

  • Musical Study – A complete song presented in standard notation and tablature to focus on specific techniques, spanning a diverse range of musical genres including rock, metal, country, and classical. Certain studies also come with Preparation Examples to assist in mastering the material.

  • Video Lesson – Includes both a full play-through and detailed walk-through of the Musical Study, along with additional insights.

  • Play-Along Audio Track – A high-quality, full-band recording of the Musical Study, minus the featured guitar part, providing a professional backing track for practice.

  • Advanced Concept – Offers “extra credit” assignments for students eager to push beyond the foundational lesson material.

With Troy Stetina's guidance, Total Picking Control stands out as a groundbreaking course for guitarists seeking to dominate their craft!

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Hal Leonard Europe B.V., Postbus 744, 8440 AS Heerenveen, NL,

104,70  €
vč. DPH, plus poštovné
Skladem. Dodací lhůta: 2–5 pracovní dny (Česká republika)
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